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Turkish Social Customs (Don Madge) PDF Printable Version

Social Customs in Turkey

Don Madge
August 2012

For anyone considering visiting Turkey, here are some tips that might save them from unecessary embarrassment.

Don't disrespect the Turkish flag, The Turks would never use their flag for anything other than it was intended.

Don't deliberately deface a bank note.

It's custom and practise to take a small gift if you are invited to visit a Turkish household. If there are children in the family chocolates/sweets are always welcome.

Please remember to remove your shoes when you enter the house. Be very careful when you admire something in the house as it might be presented to you when you leave. Turks give from the heart and not the pocket.

In a Turkish household it is considered very bad manners to blow your nose at a meal times, they consider it should be done in private.

Don't point the soles of your feet directly at anybody.